Yara Analytical Services

Analysis of soil, plant tissue or water provides the information to ensure that crop nutrition decisions are timely, accurate, efficient and cost effective.

Why conduct analysis?

Acquiring and utilising accurate information in the form of analytical data is fundamental to many decisions made in the agricultural, horticultural, environmental and amenity sectors.

For plant and crop production, it enables planning a fertilizer program that is accurate, timely and -- increasingly important -- environmentally responsible. 

In short, soil and leaf analysis provides the critical information required to ensure all crop nutrition decisions are accurate, efficient, cost-effective and responsible.

Why choose Yara analytical services

Experienced and established reputation

Our laboratory has nearly 40 years of experience producing independent analytical data from many different materials. We specialize is servicing the agricultural, horticultural, environmental and amenity sectors. Regularly, we receive a wide range of sample types including soil, plant tissue, water, fruit, manures, slurries and fertilizers.

We currently perform over two million separate analyses every year on samples received from the UK and over 50 countries worldwide. Our customer base ranges from individual growers to independent agronomic consultants to multi-national companies, including research stations, academic bodies and government organizations.

Quick turnaround

Our key goal is to provide a rapid, accurate, cost-effective and understandable analytical testing service. At all stages, a knowledgeable back-up team fully supports this. They’re capable of delivering technical guidance and advice in a professional and courteous manner.

We understand the importance of timely advice. Therefore, we’re equipped and staffed to process samples quickly and efficiently. Most soil- and leaf-testing requests are completed within three working days from sample receipt to the emailed return of results.

Sample delivery is made as straightforward as possible, with postage-paid sample bags and a courier collection service available within the UK. 

Accredited quality assurance

Quality assurance is central to all we do at Yara Analytical Services. A robust internal quality system is in place to ensure that all data produced is consistently reliable and accurate. In addition, the laboratory holds both BS-EN-ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 levels of accreditation and, as a condition for maintaining these accreditations, we regularly participate in internationally recognized proficiency-testing schemes.

Visit the UKAS website to learn more.

Full sampling guide included

Every sample pack has clear and concise information on how to take a representative sample.

How easy is it to understand the results ?

Analytical data on its own is meaningless if the information is not understandable. 

Crop specific interpretation

Megalab software includes well researched guidelines or trigger concentrations coupled to interpretations and recommendations specific to the crop, and these are included in our sample reports.

Fertilizer recommendations

Our plant nutrition knowledge means fertilizer product recommendations can be provided for all macro and micro nutrients.

Follow-up technical advice available

Contact us direct for additional information and advice to get the most from your results.

Easily accessible

Reports are released by email as soon as they become available from the laboratory. All results can be supplied in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with other agronomic software packages. Paper copies can also be supplied by post upon request. In addition, direct access to all previous reports and further interpretation details is available at any time via the Internet.

Interested in Analysis?

For information on any of our analysis packages please contact the analysis lab directly. 

Tel: +44 1759 305116 or Send an email to soilanalysis@yara.com.