Proactive Foliar Nutrition - Round Table
Crop nutrition decision-making can be a very in-depth process. During this Yara Round Table, we discuss Proactive Foliar Nutrition and why it matters. We take a look at what impacts traditional soil-applied nutrition uptake by the plant and where foliar nutrition has a fit. We also open up the discussion of shifting from a reactive to a proactive mindset in applying crop nutrition.
With the video format, you can either choose to watch specific parts or play through the whole recording. Either way, we hope you enjoy it!
Or choose from the list below:
- Why Foliar Nutrition
- Proactive Foliar Nutrition: Where it Fits; Why it Matters
- Water and Hail Stress
- Soil Temperatures
- Soil pH
- Reactive Versus Proactive Approaches
- Soil pH in Beans
- Limited Root Exploration
- Heat Stress
- Crop Growth Peak Demands
- Calcium and Root Exploration
- Broadacre Crops Growth & Peak Demands
- Baseline Soil Fertility Status
- Proactive Foliar Nutrition Final Thoughts
- Full Discussion