Is the calcium in the soil available to your potatoes?

Calcium nitrate is key for growing your best potatoes. Even calcareous soils often need available calcium added at key points in the season. YaraLiva delivers fast-acting nitrate nitrogen and fully-soluble, readily available calcium for higher yields, better quality and improved storability in Western Canada potatoes.

Take a look at these trials

potatoes in buckets

On the left side, potatoes were treated with YaraLiva TROPICOTE. On the right, potatoes received the grower standard program (no added calcium).

Potatoes treated with YaraLiva TROPICOTE yielded 524 cwt/ac versus 374 cwt/ac from the grower standard program.

potatoes on the ground

On the left side, potatoes were treated with YaraLiva TROPICOTE. On the right, potatoes received the grower standard program (no added calcium).

Potatoes treated with YaraLiva TROPICOTE yielded 391 cwt/ac versus 326 cwt/ac from the grower standard program.

yaraliva cn9 and potato yield graph

Average potato yield increase with YaraLiva CN-9 across 21 trials between 2018-2021

Potato yields were increased by an average of 19.6 cwt/ac (7.3%) with YaraLiva CN-9 in 21 field trials conducted in North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, and Oregon between 2018 and 2021.

form of calcium and potato yield graph

Impact of form of calcium on potato yield in Michigan across six trials between 2021-2023

Evaluation of calcium sources in Michigan showed YaraLiva CN-9 improved potato yields compared to calcium chloride (+14.5 cwt/ac), gypsum (+14.5 cwt/ac), and where no calcium was applied (+95 cwt/ac). These findings are based on six field trials conducted between 2021-2023 on Manistee and Russet Norkotah varieties. 

YaraLiva Calcium Nitrate Solutions

YaraLiva TROPICOTE Dry Calcium Nitrate YaraLiva CN-9 Liquid Calcium Nitrate

Total nitrogen (N) 15.5%
 - ammoniacal nitrogen 1.0%
 - nitrate nitrogen 14.5%

Total nitrogen (N) 9.0%
 - ammoniacal nitrogen 0.58%
 - nitrate nitrogen 8.42%
Calcium (Ca) 19.0% Calcium (Ca) 11.0%
Label Label

Additional Resources - Click to View/Download

YaraLiva TROPICOTE Product Data Sheet

yaraliva tropicote pds

YaraLiva Improves Yield, Quality and Storability

yaraliva trials sheet

YaraLiva Calcium Nitrate for Potato - Low Carbon Footprint

yaraliva for potato low carbon footprint

Watch: The Role of Calcium on Potatoes