Potassium deficiency made worse by
- Acidic soils (low pH)
- Sandy or light soils (leaching)
- Drought conditions
- High rainfall (leaching)
- or heavy irrigation
- Heavy clay (illite) soils
- Soils with low K reserves
- Magnesium rich soils
Potassium is important for
- Improved yield and quality
- Increased tuber size
- Improved disease resistance
Yara recommended fertilizers for Potassium
Potatoes: One application of 10 l/ha or two applications of 5 l/ha during tuber bulking (as soon as first formed tuber are 10 mm in diameter). Allow 10-14 days between applications. Water rate: 200 l/ha. Pommes de Terre: Une application de 10 l/ha ou 2 applications de 5 l/ha pendant le grossissement (dés le stade premiers tubercules 10 mm de diamétre). Laisser 10-14 jours entre applications. Volume d'eau: 200 l/ha.
Read more about YaraVita® AGRIPOTASH™