Yara Incubator Farm
The Yara Canada Incubator Farm in Saskatoon, SK is a center for research, solution trials and knowledge sharing. Through collaborative efforts with customers, partners, and various technology providers, Yara utilizes the farm to study and advance insights into all aspects of the cropping system.
A total of 80 acres is devoted to the large-scale Crop Solutions Trials and small plot Discovery Trials. The farm will feature wheat, canola, peas and barley grown in rotation with two of those crops seeded each year on roughly 40 acres each. Standard farming practices will be used on half of each crop as a control. The other half will feature complete crop nutrition programs, products and technology designed to improve crop yield, nutrient use efficiency and grower profitability. The small plot Discovery Trials will focus on capturing replicated crop response data on new granular fertilizers, fertilizer coatings, foliar nutrition products and management practices on key western Canadian crops.
Check Yara's latest podcast about the Incubator Farm in Saskatchewan
Current Trials Underway

Crop Solutions
Crops: Wheat & Canola
Bringing together Yara’s best line up to develop the ultimate crop programs with YaraVera AMIDAS, YaraVita PROCOTE and YaraVita FOLIARS.
YaraVita Discovery
Crops: Canola
Discovering advanced methods for delivering macronutrients and micronutrients with YaraVera AMIDAS, YaraVita PROCOTE and YaraVita FOLIARS.
'4R' Advocacy
Crop: Wheat & Canola
Demonstrating how differences in N Source and Timing can be cost effective and generate ROI with YaraVera AMIDAS homogenous N&S and split applications.

Yara Crop Nutrition Program for Wheat
- 65% of Total Nitrogen at Seeding with YaraVera AMIDAS
- Phosphate and potassium w/ YaraVita PROCOTE Seedplaced
- YaraVita FOLIAR applied with Herbicide
- YaraVera AMIDAS Topdress @Tillering
- YaraVita FOLIAR at Heading
*The above program is being compared with results from grower standard practices.
Yara Crop Nutrition Program for Canola
- YaraVera AMIDAS side banded at seeding
- Phosphate and potassium w/ YaraVita PROCOTE Seedplaced
- YaraVita FOLIAR w/ Herbicide
- YaraVita FOLIAR @ 10% Flower
*The above program is being compared with results from grower standard practices.
Through the trials Yara and its partners will be able to gather many layers of data and intimate knowledge of every aspect of the cropping system over the coming years. The field scale research at the farm will provide valuable insight into the conditions and challenges that growers and advisors face.
Learn more about the partnership of Yara with Glacier Farm Media - Discovery Farm on this project.
How we are improving water and nutrient use efficiencies at the Farm
The past three years of data have shown higher water use in the Yara Complete Nutrition Program, which includes micronutrients. Accessing more water and root activity at further depths provides yield advantages, enabling crops to persevere through adverse weather conditions.
Great results in a very dry year
The Yara Incubator Farm experienced extremely dry conditions in the 2021 growing season, with only 15% of the 30-year average of rainfall. Yet, the Yara nutritional package promoted root development and the results were outstanding.
If you would like more information please contact
Delaine Mandziak, Regional Market Development Manager
Other Yara Incubator Farms in North America
The Yara Incubator Farms in Auburn, AL, Modesto, CA, and Snake River Valley, ID, were created as a place to explore, evolve, refine and share knowledge. At the combined 420-acre Farms, field-scale soil fertility and crop nutrient management research will be done in collaboration with partners, customers and various technology providers for the betterment of the agriculture industry and our communities, as well as implementing solutions to decarbonize the value chain. Click below to learn more: