NOx Reduction for Stationary Plants

Control of NOx emissions in power plants and other industrial sites

NOx control in the industrial sector is legislation driven and requires stakeholders to be legally responsible for their NOx reduction processes. As a leading producer of complete NOx reduction solutions from design and build to NOx reducing agents Yara can help you with this requirement.

NOx Reduction in Power Plants, Cement Factories, Waste Incinerators

Power plants, cement , waste incinerators, glass factories and refineries are increasingly using an ammonia or urea based reagent together with an SNCR or SCR system to reduce NOx. This is to meet the increasingly stringent legislation being adopted around the world regarding the reduction of NOx emissions required by industrial plants.

NOx Reduction Solutions

We are a world leader in SNCR systems at cement, waste incinerators and waste to energy plants, with more than 200 NOx control systems worldwide, built, installed and maintained by our Yara Miljö experts.

Providing cost efficient NOx reduction for 30 years

Yara's product portfolio includes environmental protection agents that help prevent the emission of Nitrogen oxides (NOx) for stationary applications. This is commercialized under our NOxCare brand since the mid 1990s.

The NOxCare team can offer many NOx control services, NOx reduction equipment options and reducing reagents to help reduce NOx emissions in your plant. Our expertise ranges from building NOx reduction systems, helping you run it in your daily operations, or upgrading your NOx control system so that it is optimized to run in the most cost efficient way.

Reducing Agents for NOx control systems

We are one of the largest producers in the world of Ammonia and Urea, with one third of the Ammonia traded in the world being supplied by Yara. We safely trade and ship Ammonia and Urea around the world to our SCR and SNCR customers via our network of 30 plants and our 200 terminals and warehouses.

Ed Wells
Ed Wells
V.P., Environmental Solutions